1. Headset, Microphone or (Less Preferably) Kinect is preferred due to communication reasoning.
2. A good internet connection is required.
​3. Be responsive when talked to or when arranging matches. DON'T depend on an admin to set up your match. Talk to your opponent.
To join Wide Prime Wrestling contact details are below.
1, Be respectful and considerate towards criticism.
2. Be committed to every match you're booked in.
3. Negativity is absolutely NOT tolerated at all towards anyone (no racism, no sexism, no homophobia).
4. There's a three strike rule around here. Disobey any of the rules and/or you no show, you will be kicked out. If you can't play your match and you know in advance, please notify LukeTheGreatFTW or SmoothFreeman
(In Game)
1. Overall must be a 90 or lower.
2. Reversal attribute must be at 70 (3 reversal bars)
3. Super Dropkick, Suicide Spear & Ring Post Big Boot OMG's are character restricted based on that character's finisher. Powerbomb into a Boston Crab is banned.
4. Babyfaces may only use comeback. Heels can not use comeback. Heels however can use Dirty Pin while Faces can not.
5. Resiliency is banned.
6. Move Thief is banned but may be used for special occasions if LukeTheGreatFTW approves.
7. Must only pin off of Finishers and OMG moments.
8. Matches like Tables, Cage, Ladder and TLC, you must hit a finisher before climbing or breaking the table.
8. If you disobey any of the rules, the decision of the match will be reversed.
9. You may only pin off a leverage pin if you hit the yellow area in the pin bar or if a pinning animation occurs after a major reversal.
10. Ring Escape is banned.
11. Each character must have their own finisher. (Unless if one move is from a different position, e.g Running Spears and Corner Spears, however contact LukeTheGreatFTW approval) No-one else can share the same finishing move. Also once chosen, finishers shouldn't be changed unless you have permission from LukeTheGreatFTW.
Move-Set Rules
1. The following moves have been banned as they retain unfair offence:
Strike Attacks
Boxing Straight Punch
Kick 1
Left Jab
Women's Toe Kick
Strong Strikes
Back Flip Kick
Back Kick
Chop Block 1
Leg Sweep 1
Leg Sweep 2
Samoan Blitz
Spin Kick 1
Super Kick 6
Super Kick 10
Running Strikes (Front)
Running Crossbody Strikes
Running Front Chop Block
To Ring
SpringBoard Roundhouse 1
Rolling Savate 1
To Ring Side
Suicide Dive 1
2. Move-Sets should be accurate based on size of character. e.g Big guys shouldn't be doing shooting star presses. Small guys shouldn't be doing Undertaker/Kane/Big Show like choke-slams.
3. Move-Sets must be realistic. No-one should have a finisher of a WWE Superstar as a normal move. e.g Codebreaker as a normal move.
4. Try and think strategically when coming to move-sets. e.g Big guys should use their size and/or power to finish a match. They shouldn't be ending it of, for example, a neck-breaker. Little guys shouldn't be ending matches with moves such as, for example, the End of Days.